Solution Overview 🎯
Build a self-service developer portal that automates project creation and standardizes infrastructure setup across the organization.
Core Requirements
Functional Requirements
Project Creation
Create new projects from templates
Configure project CI/CD and infrastructure
Automate repository setup and permissions
Set up required platform integrations (Sentry, Datadog, etc.)
Platform Features
Centralized API documentation
Service discovery
Non-functional Requirements
Reduce project setup time from 1 week to under 2 hours
Handle concurrent project creation requests
Support 200+ engineers
Handle multiple project templates
Scale across different engineering teams
Enterprise SSO Integration
Role based access control
Maintainable template system
Standardized infrastructure patterns
Clear documentation
Consistent project creation
Error handling and recovery
Why Backstage?
Wrote a tech brief that included a decision matrix with the popular Developer Portal platforms
Backstage emerged as the optimal choice based on:
Open source and free
Great documentation
Intuitive UI/UX
100+ existing plugins
Strong developer experience focus
Last updated
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