Browser URL Example

What happens when you start typing google in your browser's search bar?


Keyboard Actions

  • Key Pressed: "g" key pressed; browser processes it and suggests URLs based on history.

  • Enter Key: Physical keypress leads to electrical signals transmitted to the computer.

    • USB keyboard: Current flows to logic circuitry, keycode is generated and sent.

    • Virtual keyboard: Capacitive touch registers keypress, sends a software interrupt.

OS-Level Events

  • Interrupts:

    • OS detects the keypress and triggers an interrupt request.

    • Windows: Sends a WM_KEYDOWN message.

    • macOS: Sends an NSEvent.

    • Linux: Xorg server listens for keycodes.

URL Parsing

  • URL or Search Term: Determines if the input is a URL or search term.

  • Non-ASCII Characters: Converts characters using Punycode if needed.

Network Communication

  • DNS Lookup:

    • If the browser doesn't find the domain in its local cache, it sends a request to the DNS server (usually provided by the ISP or a local router).

    • If the DNS server doesn't have the answer, it will act as a recursive resolver, querying other DNS servers higher up in the hierarchy on behalf of the client.

  • ARP Process: Determines the MAC address for the DNS server or default gateway.

  • Socket Opening: Establishes a connection to the server using TCP.

  • TLS Handshake: Encrypts communication using SSL/TLS for HTTPS.

HTTP Protocol

  • Request: Sends an HTTP request to the server (e.g., GET request).

  • Response: Server returns HTML, possibly with a status code (e.g., 200 OK).

  • Resources: Browser fetches additional resources (images, CSS) as needed.

Browser Rendering

  • HTML Parsing: Parses the HTML document into a DOM tree.

  • CSS Parsing: Interprets CSS to apply styles.

  • Rendering: Constructs a render tree, lays out elements, and paints them on the screen.

  • GPU Rendering: Uses GPU for faster rendering in modern browsers.


  • JavaScript Execution: Runs any JavaScript on the page.

  • User Interaction: Scripts and network requests can be triggered by user input.

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